Калькулятор боев для Dragons of Atlantis (fight calculator)

Now u can try version of this calculator on english.

Не нашел что то в сети ничего (что весьма странно), решил собрать свой калькулятор. Действует он согласно описаниям в dragonsofatlantis.wikia.com/wiki/Dragons_Of_Atlantis_Wiki, т.е. калькулятор не официальный.

На точность расчетов пока сложно полагаться. Они носят приблизительный характер. Не учитывается уровень генералов и, видимо, ещё целый ряд факторов. Точного описания механики боя я не нашел, только то, что пишут игроки в wiki и на форумах. Буду анализировать и вносить изменения дальше. Обсуждать можно ниже в комментах.

Код скрипта калькулятора можно скачать здесь.

Нападающая сторона (attacker)

Сторона обороны (defender)

Дракон (Dragon)

Уровень: Уровень:

Войска (Battle units)

Swift Dragon
Battle Dragon
Armored Tr.
Fire Mirror
Pack Dragon
Granite Ogre
Lava Jaw
Soul Reaper
Venom Dweller
Frost Giant
Petrified Titan
Sand Strider
Swift Dragon
Battle Dragon
Armored Tr.
Fire Mirror
Pack Dragon
Granite Ogre
Lava Jaw
Soul Reaper
Venom Dweller
Frost Giant
Petrified Titan
Sand Strider

Технологии (Technologies)

Уровень стены (city wall level)
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Комментарии к «Калькулятор боев для Dragons of Atlantis (fight calculator)»

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Много комментариев в “Калькулятор боев для Dragons of Atlantis (fight calculator)”

  1. Teo:

    Where is Sand strider ?

  2. Will:

    I think there’s a mistake with battle dragons. When u defend against over 30.000 battle dragons 1 of them still alive during many rounds

  3. Teo:

    Sand strider dont attack BD only after AT ?

    Раунд (Round) № 2
    ATTeff HP DEF Amount Pos
    Swift strike dragon 2110
    Sand Strider 571.6 2900 870 10000 370
    Battle dragon 2110
    Great Dragon 2057.6 206608 2066 1 610
    Halberdsmen 0 217 58 100 870
    Longbowmen 107.6 108 43 80000 370
    Armored transport 0 1087 290 10000 435

    ATTeff HP DEF Amount Pos
    Battle dragon 375 1875 375 90000 2110
    Great Dragon 2066 206608 2066 1 2110
    Fangtooth 2000 3750 375 500 2110
    Longbowmen 6.25 93 37 30000 2110
    Petrified Titan 6250 9375 1875 2000 2110
    Раунд (Round) № 3
    ATTeff HP DEF Amount Pos
    Sand Strider 571.6 2900 870 10000 370
    Great Dragon 2057.6 206608 2066 1 610
    Halberdsmen 1305
    Longbowmen 107.6 108 43 80000 370
    Armored transport 0 1087 290 10000 652

    ATTeff HP DEF Amount Pos
    Battle dragon 375 1875 375 90000 1305
    Great Dragon 2066 206608 2066 1 2110
    Fangtooth 1000 3750 375 500 2055
    Longbowmen 100 93 37 30000 2110
    Petrified Titan 6250 9375 1875 2000 2047

    the S Strid dont move a muscle while all other troops being killed

  4. Will:

    Simulation error keeps going on after a week i am not able to calculate anything cause the simulation error is on every single troop and it doesn’t calculate correctly, fix it soon plz I really appreciate this simulator is awesome :)

  5. gd thing:

    well its a awesome thng but its not workin fine plz try to fix it if u have time

  6. Some bugs were fixed. Enjoy! :)

  7. Blagtoof:

    Hey there,
    I was wondering or you could send me the code you used to make this calculator?
    I’m planning on making one for the game: Thirst of Night, and since they all you the same kind of information, I was wondering or I could have a look at this one for it seems to be working pretty good.
    Maybe a small bug here and there, but nothing I can’t try and fix.

    please let me know!
    — Blagtoof

  8. Blagtoof:

    That’s okay,
    GoogleTranslate + common knowlage.
    And thanks for the link (:

  9. Victor:

    It would be great if there was an option for Anthropus Camps. The wiki is great, but I’d like to use my own researches instead.

  10. Coitis:

    It needs one for Anthro Camps and a legend to know what you’re talking about